1. Looking for Senior and Junior HMUA’s to join the LeVue Team



Looking for makeup artists/hairstylists to put a smile on our clients faces. Your only job is to make them look and feel great for their photoshoot. Approximately 10-15 bookings a month. Great for intermediate to advanced skills sets, but must have experience with various makeup styles, skin tones, hair textures (especially for our predominantly African-American clientele) for the purpose of being photographed. Must also travel to our studios for each booking (Chelsea/LIC, both accessible ~5 min from trains). Those who can do both will be priority. Any licensing or certifications a plus. Ability to hold a conversation is a plus plus plus. Any questions, shoot us a DM or message us. Pay is $75 - $125 a booking. No follow-up necessary, no marketing or selling required, cozy fun intimate environment. And access to keep every client you do services on. Theres like 3 of us so it’s a small team.